about me
I come from a long line of people who draw and paint for fun. And, also, seamstresses and quilters. In a recent, somewhat arduous move to a small town, I wanted to heavily down size before moving. I was intrigued by the commonalities and history of some of the items that made the cut; my great great grandmother’s ancient treadle sewing machine, a feed sack quilt made by my great grandmother, an intricate and colorful quilt by my mom (every stitch made by hand), and my dad’s sailmaker’s seaming palm (which is a kind of heavy duty thimble used in sail repair). I noted the comfort, utility, protection, and beauty passed down for generations through the humble use of needle and thread.
This realization combined with moving to a quirky small town at the majestic meeting of river, mountains, and ocean (Astoria, Oregon USA) has provoked a dramatic change in my work, from painting to textile based work. I still paint and draw on my pieces but I find working with the texture, history, and patterns of textiles irresistible.
Thank you so much for visiting my site. Follow me on Instagram for the latest on upcoming shows and my soon to open, online shop.